I got a notification that there was going to be a balena-ci video last week but I can’t find it. Did it ever happen? Was excited that it would be a chat about this: GitHub - balena-io/balena-ci: Official Github action to deploy releases to balenaCloud environments
Hi @barryjump, where did you get said notification? We are indeed working on some material to be released most likely in January 2022 related to balena-ci (repo now renamed). We are not 100% set yet on the form factor (blog, video, stream, demo) but I’ll ask the main engineer that worked on this and see if he can provide more info. In any case, stay tuned next couple weeks we will have a public update for sure.
Hey there, I must have been confused. I saw a Youtube reminder for a video titled Balena CI or something similar.
No worries, I’ve been following the repo - exciting progress. Going to be very useful!
Thanks for your interest and we be sure to inform folks when something is out. Till then you can subscribe to our newsletter and YouTube channel with new developments.
For folks, reading this thread. The repo’s new name is GitHub - balena-io/deploy-to-balena-action: Official Github action to deploy releases to balenaCloud environments