What are we working on? The Balena Notes

Hey everyone! As Christmas is coming and the year winds down, a big part of our team are taking their well deserved holidays over the holidays! I have started this thread, but haven’t checked in before, so taking this opportunity after @bryan :pen_fountain:

A lot of my day-to-day job involves taking and then writing up internal projects, and getting them out to a wider audience. Tech is pretty complex, and the more interesting examples we can provide for resin.io, the better off everyone is! For example, today I was writing up one of the projects from this forum to publish on Hackster: Voice Controlled LED Matrix Christmas Tree There are a few more projects that I’d like to document in the resn.io Hackster group.

Also, I’m making a draft specs for two resin.io kits:

The first is demo kit (hardware components, software to deploy, slides to go with), which can be easily taken to a meetup (either by us, or anyone who wants to impress others with resin.io:wink: :trophy: Will probably be based around a Raspberry Pi 3 + PiTFT.

The second is a whorkshop kit (hardware, software setup, example projects to work on), which can be used to get a resin.io workshop started in a very short time. Looks like recent experiments with cloud IDEs should help, and probably will be based on RPi3 + Blinkt :keyboard:

And there’s a lot of ongoing effort for finding interesting meetups to join, improve on these forums, and generally hack on projects (not just on Fridays, like today)

(On the personal side, I’m trying to learn Shogi or Japanese chess, any players around? :slight_smile:

Cheers, and :christmas_tree: Merry Christmas everyone! (will tag the next person in the new year:)