Update one service in multiple fleets

Is it possible to update a particular service on multiple devices that are on different fleets?
I suppose so, but what is the most optimized way to deploy an update to a service.
Currently, we have several fleets and several devices per fleet.
Our fleets often have one or more identical services.
Today to deploy an update I am doing a balena deployment via CD to all fleets which takes a while.
I would like to be able to update my devices without deploying a full version, but simply by changing services.

Hello @Firat thanks for your question!

At the moment is not possible to update the application to multiple fleets. Maybe this is something to add on the roadmap.balena.io

BTW at balena we do use deltas when you run updates. A delta is generated between the release a device is currently running and the one it is updating to. That means that if you are only updating one service, the delta will include only those changes.

Could you please confirm that you only changed 1 service from your application?
What problem do you see when deploying a full version?

Thank you for your reply. I don’t particularly have a problem with deploying a release.
My question was purely out of curiosity, it could be practical as one day we no longer need to deploy a complete release but simply update a service without necessarily touching docker-compose