Unable to add device to Fleet (Pi Zero)

I have a Pi Zero v1 W that I am unable to get added to the Fleet. It is a new image (BalenaPhono v.3.1.2) and Balena v.5.3.5.r1 Development, that I have applied to the SD card on a Pi which I previously used. I have removed the old device from the Fleet, so the device MAC address doesn’t cause a clash.

My issue is that the green LED flashes 4x, which I believe is an issue with not being connected to the network. I am not seeing the device in my router’s IP table either. The Pi Zero only has wifi and my system connections file configuration is below. I am trying to connect to my 2.4g specific network for IOT devices.

I have checked the SSID, which is correct (with a capital first letter) and the password is correct. I have tried chaning hidden= from true to false.

My home LAN is simple with no port blocking outbound and acts as a DHCP server.

I have also tried adding a system connection file for ethernet, as the guide says to set eth0 to have a low route metric. I am not sure that the Pi zero has ethernet, but I’ve got the file there anyway.

Any pointers gratefully received!







Did you add an entry for the correct country in /boot/config.json?
This defines which regulatory settings the WiFi drivers will use.
This can (for example) cause certain channels to be unavailable.

Here is an example of the config.json configured for the United Kingdom.

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Thanks JJvV,

I have added the country code to my config.json file. The Pi Zero no longer seems to flash green after about 10 minutes like before, but still doesn’t seem to get an IP address from my router, so I think we’re on the right track.

I am simply using the Deploy option from the balenaPhono app and specifying my SSID in the balena deploy window.

I am currently starting from scratch. I have deleted my fleets and devices and purged my DHCP table from the router and re-deploying a new image of balenaPhono.

Well… a full ‘start all over again’ approach seems to have fixed it.


  • Deploy image using Balena Etcher
  • BEFORE inserting the card into the Pi:
  1. edit the config.json to add the GB country code
  2. create a my-ethernet connection in /system-connections to set never-default=true


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Glad to hear you managed to fix it :slight_smile: