I’m trying to build up some OrangePi host images here and ran into trouble with my build system crapping out (VirtualBox dodginess).
However the upshot was that bitbake
wouldn’t continue building the recipe it failed in the middle of, in this case rust
Having dealt with Yocto failure modes more than a few times the solution for me is usually to run a bitbake -c cleansstate recipe_foo
However I couldn’t see an obvious way to pass this through to the bitbake
build via barys
So I had a bit of a play and this worked to clean up the recipe for me, so am sharing with you lovely people,
./balena-yocto-scripts/build/barys -d -m orangepi-plus2 --bitbake-target '-c cleansstate rust'
Maybe I missed something obvious but it would be nice to have a command option to pass this type of thing through officially when things bugger up.