Trouble Pushing Screenly/Anthias

Hello, please accept my apologies in advance as I’m trying to figure this out. I am trying to install Screenly/Anthias onto a Raspberry Pi4 device and keep running into trouble. I’m following a guide and things were going OK. However, when I try to use the balena push to get this software onto my device I get an Error Could not detect project type: Service main: package.json: engines.node must be specified. Then another line just says Not Deploying Release. I downloaded and unzipped the files from Github (GitHub - Screenly/Anthias: The world's most popular open source digital signage project.) and saved them to a folder. I am running Windows 11 Pro 64bit PC. I am opening my command prompt in the folder with the unzipped files and then running the balena commands. What am I missing? I am typing the push command as it says to when creating a new release for the device.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Hello @extremefightworld first of all welcome to the balena community!

Could you please share here the balena push command that you are trying? or feel free to share screenshots!


I downloaded the zip file and unpacked it from GitHub and I ran the balena commands from the directory of the unzipped files.

@nicomiguelino do you know what happens here?

I reproduced the same issue!

@mpous, @extremefightworld
We wrote a script called bin/, as it needs more steps to self-deploy Anthias to your own Balena fleets.

Here’s an example of how to run the deployment script:

./bin/ \
    --board $BOARD_TYPE \
    --fleet g_extreme_fight_world/efw-signs

You can append --dev if you wish to deploy your local changes instead of pulling the latest Anthias images from the Docker Hub.

Make sure to replace $BOARD_TYPE with either of the following options (depending on your Pi model): pi1, pi2, pi3, pi4, or pi5.

You can also refer to this documentation for details.

Let me know if you need any help.

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Am I running this from the terminal window on the balena dashboard of my device or my local windows PC?

I’m completely lost trying to get this push to happen. My apologies, I know enough to be completely stupid when it comes to Linux systems.

@extremefightworld, the script must be run from a host computer running Linux (Ubuntu or Debian).

In the meantime, you could try installing WSL 2 on your machine and run the script from there… Alternetively, if you have a computer running Ubuntu or Debian.

Let me know if it’s not a viable option for you. I’ll assess other options like using Docker, etc.

I have a spare Laptop I can throw Ubuntu on AND I’ll try it using WSL2 but I have to travel out of state today for work and I don’t land back home until 10PM Eastern so I will report back if I need further assistance.

Thank you so much.

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Is there any other way to get this going? I installed Ubuntu on a spare laptop and I cannot get the balena-cli to work even though I’ve added the path to .profile and .bashrc. Tried to get this going on the WSL and same thing, I cannot get the balena cli to install properly so I cannot even try these commands. I’m ready to just move on I guess, was really hoping to be able to have this digital sign up and going.