Trouble installing Balena Python SDK on Python container image

Hey guys, I am trying to install the Balena Python SDK in my device image (for controlling some Balena functions from within the device), but having trouble.

Even if I create the smallest docker file possible:

FROM balenalib/%%BALENA_MACHINE_NAME%%-python:2.7

WORKDIR /usr/src/app


RUN apt-get clean && apt-get update && apt-get install -yq \
	gcc \
    && \
    apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

RUN pip install balena-sdk

It won’t build. I get the error:

[main]     Step 5/6 : RUN pip install balena-sdk
[main]      ---> Running in 8ae5d051946a
[main]     DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 will reach the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 won't be maintained after that date. A future version of pip will drop support for Python 2.7.
[main]     Collecting balena-sdk
[main]       Downloading (52kB)
[main]     Collecting PyJWT>=1.5.0 (from balena-sdk)
[main]       Downloading
[main]     Collecting requests>=2.19.1 (from balena-sdk)
[main]       Downloading (57kB)
[main]     Collecting pyotp>=2.2.5 (from balena-sdk)
[main]       Downloading
[main]     Collecting pyOpenSSL==18.0.0 (from balena-sdk)
[main]       Downloading (53kB)
[main]     Collecting Twisted>=18.7.0 (from balena-sdk)
[main]       Downloading (3.1MB)
[main]     Collecting service-identity (from balena-sdk)
[main]       Downloading
[main]     Collecting semver (from balena-sdk)
[main]       Downloading
[main]     Collecting certifi>=2017.4.17 (from requests>=2.19.1->balena-sdk)
[main]       Downloading (158kB)
[main]     Collecting idna<2.9,>=2.5 (from requests>=2.19.1->balena-sdk)
[main]       Downloading (58kB)
[main]     Collecting chardet<3.1.0,>=3.0.2 (from requests>=2.19.1->balena-sdk)
[main]       Downloading (133kB)
[main]     Collecting urllib3<1.25,>=1.21.1 (from requests>=2.19.1->balena-sdk)
[main]       Downloading (131kB)
[main]     Collecting six>=1.5.2 (from pyOpenSSL==18.0.0->balena-sdk)
[main]       Downloading
[main]     Collecting cryptography>=2.2.1 (from pyOpenSSL==18.0.0->balena-sdk)
[main]       Downloading (491kB)
[main]       Installing build dependencies: started
[main]       Installing build dependencies: finished with status 'error'
[main]       Complete output from command /usr/local/bin/python /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip install --ignore-installed --no-user --prefix /tmp/pip-build-env-HbIt0b/overlay --no-warn-script-location --no-binary :none: --only-binary :none: -i -- setuptools>=18.5 wheel "cffi>=1.8,!=1.11.3; python_implementation != 'PyPy'":
[main]       DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 will reach the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 won't be maintained after that date. A future version of pip will drop support for Python 2.7.
[main]       Collecting setuptools>=18.5
[main]         Downloading (575kB)
[main]       Collecting wheel
[main]         Downloading
[main]       Collecting cffi!=1.11.3,>=1.8
[main]         Downloading (456kB)
[main]       Collecting pycparser (from cffi!=1.11.3,>=1.8)
[main]         Downloading (158kB)
[main]       Building wheels for collected packages: cffi, pycparser
[main]         Building wheel for cffi ( started
[main]         Building wheel for cffi ( finished with status 'error'
[main]         Complete output from command /usr/local/bin/python -u -c "import setuptools, tokenize;__file__='/tmp/pip-install-YUSu9l/cffi/';f=getattr(tokenize, 'open', open)(__file__);'\r\n', '\n');f.close();exec(compile(code, __file__, 'exec'))" bdist_wheel -d /tmp/pip-wheel-gdsHPy --python-tag cp27:
[main]         /usr/bin/ld: cannot find crt1.o: No such file or directory
[main]         /usr/bin/ld: cannot find crti.o: No such file or directory
[main]         collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
[main]         Note: will not use '__sync_synchronize()' in the C code
[main]         ***** The above error message can be safely ignored.
[main]         running bdist_wheel
[main]         running build
[main]         running build_py
[main]         creating build
[main]         creating build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7
[main]         creating build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]         copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]         copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]         copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]         copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]         copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]         copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]         copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]         copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]         copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]         copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]         copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]         copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]         copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]         copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]         copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]         copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]         copying cffi/_cffi_include.h -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]         copying cffi/parse_c_type.h -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]         copying cffi/_embedding.h -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]         copying cffi/_cffi_errors.h -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]         running build_ext
[main]         building '_cffi_backend' extension
[main]         creating build/temp.linux-armv7l-2.7
[main]         creating build/temp.linux-armv7l-2.7/c
[main]         gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -g -O2 -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC -DUSE__THREAD -I/usr/include/ffi -I/usr/include/libffi -I/usr/local/include/python2.7 -c c/_cffi_backend.c -o build/temp.linux-armv7l-2.7/c/_cffi_backend.o
[main]         In file included from /usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabihf/6/include-fixed/syslimits.h:7:0,
[main]                          from /usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabihf/6/include-fixed/limits.h:34,
[main]                          from /usr/local/include/python2.7/Python.h:19,
[main]                          from c/_cffi_backend.c:2:
[main]         /usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabihf/6/include-fixed/limits.h:168:61: fatal error: limits.h: No such file or directory
[main]          #include_next <limits.h>  /* recurse down to the real one */
[main]                                                                      ^
[main]         compilation terminated.
[main]         error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
[main]         ----------------------------------------
[main]         Failed building wheel for cffi
[main]         Running clean for cffi
[main]         Building wheel for pycparser ( started
[main]         Building wheel for pycparser ( finished with status 'done'
[main]         Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/f2/9a/90/de94f8556265ddc9d9c8b271b0f63e57b26fb1d67a45564511
[main]       Successfully built pycparser
[main]       Failed to build cffi
[main]       Installing collected packages: setuptools, wheel, pycparser, cffi
[main]         Running install for cffi: started
[main]           Running install for cffi: finished with status 'error'
[main]           Complete output from command /usr/local/bin/python -u -c "import setuptools, tokenize;__file__='/tmp/pip-install-YUSu9l/cffi/';f=getattr(tokenize, 'open', open)(__file__);'\r\n', '\n');f.close();exec(compile(code, __file__, 'exec'))" install --record /tmp/pip-record-W2JFDT/install-record.txt --single-version-externally-managed --prefix /tmp/pip-build-env-HbIt0b/overlay --compile:
[main]           /usr/bin/ld: cannot find crt1.o: No such file or directory
[main]           /usr/bin/ld: cannot find crti.o: No such file or directory
[main]           collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
[main]           Note: will not use '__sync_synchronize()' in the C code
[main]           ***** The above error message can be safely ignored.
[main]           running install
[main]           running build
[main]           running build_py
[main]           creating build
[main]           creating build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7
[main]           creating build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]           copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]           copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]           copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]           copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]           copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]           copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]           copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]           copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]           copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]           copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]           copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]           copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]           copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]           copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]           copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]           copying cffi/ -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]           copying cffi/_cffi_include.h -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]           copying cffi/parse_c_type.h -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]           copying cffi/_embedding.h -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]           copying cffi/_cffi_errors.h -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7/cffi
[main]           running build_ext
[main]           building '_cffi_backend' extension
[main]           creating build/temp.linux-armv7l-2.7
[main]           creating build/temp.linux-armv7l-2.7/c
[main]           gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -g -O2 -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC -DUSE__THREAD -I/usr/include/ffi -I/usr/include/libffi -I/usr/local/include/python2.7 -c c/_cffi_backend.c -o build/temp.linux-armv7l-2.7/c/_cffi_backend.o
[main]           In file included from /usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabihf/6/include-fixed/syslimits.h:7:0,
[main]                            from /usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabihf/6/include-fixed/limits.h:34,
[main]                            from /usr/local/include/python2.7/Python.h:19,
[main]                            from c/_cffi_backend.c:2:
[main]           /usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabihf/6/include-fixed/limits.h:168:61: fatal error: limits.h: No such file or directory
[main]            #include_next <limits.h>  /* recurse down to the real one */
[main]                                                                        ^
[main]           compilation terminated.
[main]           error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
[main]           ----------------------------------------
[main]       Command "/usr/local/bin/python -u -c "import setuptools, tokenize;__file__='/tmp/pip-install-YUSu9l/cffi/';f=getattr(tokenize, 'open', open)(__file__);'\r\n', '\n');f.close();exec(compile(code, __file__, 'exec'))" install --record /tmp/pip-record-W2JFDT/install-record.txt --single-version-externally-managed --prefix /tmp/pip-build-env-HbIt0b/overlay --compile" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-install-YUSu9l/cffi/
[main]       You are using pip version 19.0.1, however version 19.0.3 is available.
[main]       You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
[main]       ----------------------------------------
[main]     Command "/usr/local/bin/python /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip install --ignore-installed --no-user --prefix /tmp/pip-build-env-HbIt0b/overlay --no-warn-script-location --no-binary :none: --only-binary :none: -i -- setuptools>=18.5 wheel "cffi>=1.8,!=1.11.3; python_implementation != 'PyPy'"" failed with error code 1 in None
[main]     You are using pip version 19.0.1, however version 19.0.3 is available.
[main]     You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
[main]     Removing intermediate container 8ae5d051946a
[Info]     Uploading images
[main]     The command '/bin/sh -c pip install balena-sdk' returned a non-zero code: 1
[Success]  Successfully uploaded images
[Error]    Some services failed to build:
[Error]      Service: main
[Error]        Error: The command '/bin/sh -c pip install balena-sdk' returned a non-zero code: 1
[Error]    Not deploying release.

Any idea’s?

What is your target device? Raspberry Pi 3?

Yes, raspberry 2 and 3 (but mostly 3)


You have to replace following section of your Dockerfile.template file …

RUN apt-get clean && apt-get update && apt-get install -yq \
	gcc \
    && \
    apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

… with …

RUN apt-get clean && apt-get update && apt-get install -yq \
	build-essential libffi-dev libssl-dev \
    && \
    apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
  • balena-sdk has dependencies and those dependencies require additional packages to be installed (like libssl-dev is required by the cryptography, …)
  • build-essential is just a wrapper which installs dpkg-dev, g++, gcc, libc-dev (contains crt1.o, …) & make, it’s not enough to install gcc only

Very useful info! Will try it asap!

Maybe useful to put these dependencies in the readme of the Python SDK? Or is it in there and did I miss it?

Thanks for the suggestion. It looks like that we already have an issue for this.