Test to find out what is blocking cloudlink access

Hi there! We have a machine at a customers location that does not have access to cloudlink. Is there a way for us to find out why exactly that is (firewall or something else). Are there maybe some test commands we can run to pinpoint what is causing the block?

Kind regards,


Hello Axel, a good place to start is to ensure the location meets our network requirements listed here: Network Setup on balenaOS | balena
If those are met and you are still experiencing issues, let us know so we can help troubleshoot further.

Hi Alan, thanks for the reply!

That’s the issue, it is in a location where I can’t really easily check that information, only by running commands to see what works and what doesn’t, and getting a tech savvy person there will probably be a bit of a hassle. So I’m trying to find out as much as I can beforehand. I’m wondering if there is something that I can do to test from a command line. But of course because cloudlink is not connected I can’t ssh into the host os, so I can only run commands from the container running there (through a websocket connection).

Port 443 seems to work for normal https calls.


Do you have by any chance access to a balena device on the same network?

Something I was going to suggest is that you run the diagnostics checks from a local device, like GitHub - balena-io-experimental/local-device-diags: Run healthchecks and diagnostics on a local heartbeat-only device as that will give you an analysis of the network.

In any case, the checks.sh script will give you some ideas of commands you can manually run.

Thanks! I sadly don’t have another machine there but I can try and run some of these checks through the websocket.