Speedtest-Tracker fails to deploy


I am under the impression, any docker image will run on BalenaOS, as long as it’s for the correct architecture; that could be my mistake.

Specifically I am trying to build the project here GitHub - henrywhitaker3/Speedtest-Tracker: Continuously track your internet speed but pushing the project fails with the following error:

[Error]    Could not detect project type: Service main: package.json: engines.node must be specified

Any assistance appreciated.


Hey there,

I took a quick look at that project repository, and the docker compose example uses the logging directive that balena does not support. Here are the docker-compose fields we support currently:

In order to get this project to work, you may need to work out if you can omit the logging configuration and/or raise an issue on the repo and ask the author to help make this run on balena.

Good luck!

Thanks for the response. I’ve been reasonably successful at following guides of others, and really enjoy the Balena ecosystem.

I think though, I miss some fundamental understanding of how things are built, and am looking at creating my own application from scratch in order to fill that gap.

Great to hear Jon. Maybe you could work through our Masterclass series to gain a bit more understanding. I look forward to seeing what you build. :slight_smile:
