We are making a video conversation solution and it is impossible for us to get the build in microphone in the c270 to deliver voice to the video stream. And thats a big problem for us - what can we do?
We are using Nvidia jetson nano 2.0 and everything works in normal ubuntu and not in the balena docker image - belanalib/jetson-nano-ubuntu:bionic/run
Hi Jax, let’s gather some basics on this and see what we can determine.
First and foremost, just for testing audio from other sources, can you hook up a separate USB microphone and see if that works? That also makes me wonder if the audio device is recognized from within the container. Is the container privileged? Can it access all underlying hardware (specifically, audio devices of course)?
The next thing I am wondering, is what happens if you use the build variant of the container image. The run variant might be a bit slimmer and be missing audio drivers and applications.
Finally, are there any errors in the logs that can help isolate what is going on? Does you application log the attempt to open the connection to the microphone, the failure, and give any hints to what might be missing?