Service keeps on restarting and terminating

I’m just running a simple application (taken from the “hello world” balena repo). The application is meant to validate that I can run pytorch and CUDA on balena cloud. I created the docker image mostly based off of this: balena-ros2-CUDA-trt-pose-estimation/ros/Dockerfile at main · balena-io-examples/balena-ros2-CUDA-trt-pose-estimation · GitHub

The image builds and I was able to successfully push it to my device (jetson xavier). Why does the service keep on restarting and terminating?

Hello @Blaise first of all, welcome to the balena community!

Did you try to deploy the code from this project? Does it work on your Jetson Xavier?

On the other hand, could you please confirm the OS version flashed on your NVIDIA Jetson Xavier? I don’t have a Xavier but I can try to reproduce with a Nano or an Orin.

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