My attempt at a kiosk using the browser block running on raspberrypi3 with the raspberry pi touch screen is running extrememly slow. Any suggestions on how to speed up this config?
Hello @mvheimburg first of all welcome to the balena community!
I have some questions for you:
- Could you please share what type of Raspberry Pi 3 are using?
- What device type are you using in balenaCloud? 32 bits or 64 bits?
- Where do you see it’s slow? in the display? the logs?
Hi. Its a 3B.
I have tried both 32 and 64 bit OS. Same sluggish response.
The logs and other services I try to run seem to work just fine. But graphics is slow and touch response is really sluggish and lags by several seconds.
@mvheimburg what display are you trying to use? is this connected through HDMI or you mean accessing remotely?
Connected through ribbon and GPIO.