Hey all.
I have spend a fair bit of time struggling to get the rpi 0w2 to interact with the IMX477 camera (the raspberry PI High-Quality camera).
With raspbian its simple to power up the device and use the libcamera-* commands to get data from the sensor. This helped me eliminate hardware connections/power/peripherals as causes for this issue.
Under balena bullseye builds these commands report that there isn’t a camera detected. Any leads here would be appreciated
I am trying to get things working against the new stack (libcamera*) vs the older proprietary drivers. The older ones do not permit easy control of gain or exposure in a way works from my application.
Can you suggest a base image for the raspi 0w2 that you think should be a working configuration with the new libcamera stack?
As it stands a fresh install of RasPi OS boots the new drivers without issue, and I am able to compile the new picamera2 module against it and get back images.
@mattyg I’m not sure if you saw this in the “RPI3 bullseye libcamera” thread, but @rahul-thakoor got the libcamera stack working.
For me, it is working on a raspberry pi zero 2 with an OV5647 (rpi v1) camera but not with an imx219 (rpi v2.1) yet. I am going to keep trying different dtoverlay configs.