Im building an app with a RPi 3B+ to scan the current devices in a local network and i need to puth the wlan0 into monitor mode, i managed to install kismet, re4son kernel but it seems to be no change when i configure the adapter from the running container. Is there a way i can put the adapter into monitor mode at runtime without interact with the appliance and keep the changes in the container without touching the Host?
Hello @cmpeguerog ,
How are you trying to put the device into monitor mode from within the container? Is there a specific reason why you’d like to keep the changes in the container and not interact with the HostOS?
You might want to take a look at this post. A user had a similar use-case and provided a solution.
If you are trying to run the built-in WiFi chip of the RPi 3B+ in monitor mode from what I know the broadcom drivers do not support that properly. You may have better luck with an external WiFi dongle that does that.