Push Video Files to Raspi

Feb 08, 2020


Four months back, I was able to push files for a Raspi video server out to the device from the dos prompts. I was just completing the “Balena Push” from dos, and it was working.

It’s fighting me now. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.

Any help would be appreciated.



Can you show us the commands you use and what the error is that you see? This would help us to figure out what is going on. Thank you.

Feb 11, 2020


The snag I ran into, was during the weekend. I think, possibly, I did a screen capture of that, that day. I have to get set up to figure those details out. That may take a day, or a few days. I’ll try to re-set up the cam provisioning as soon as possible.Things are busy.

Brian Wayne

Brian, no problem. Do let us know once you get back to it. Cheers.

Feb 18, 2020


In attempting Balena Push, I set the debug to 1 (as per instructions). This is the error data I got:

Missing applicationOrDevice
Error: Missing applicationOrDevice
at C:\Program Files\balena-cli\client\node_modules\capitano\build\signature.js:150:29
at C:\Program Files\balena-cli\client\node_modules\capitano\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:181:20
at Immediate.iterate (C:\Program Files\balena-cli\client\node_modules\capitano\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:262:13)
at runCallback (timers.js:810:20)
at tryOnImmediate (timers.js:768:5)
at processImmediate [as _immediateCallback] (timers.js:745:5)
From previous event:
at runCommand (C:\Program Files\balena-cli\client\build\app-capitano.js:181:14)
at Object.exports.run (C:\Program Files\balena-cli\client\build\app-capitano.js:193:39)
at routeCliFramework (C:\Program Files\balena-cli\client\build\preparser.js:39:79)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:189:7)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:696:11)
at startup (bootstrap_node.js:204:16)
at bootstrap_node.js:625:3

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The dashboard is indicating that the provisioned board is on line, but I still get error messages.

This was received at the DOS command prompt. Any help wpuld be appreciated.

Brian Wayne

Hi, it would help us out a lot if you could also paste the command you are trying to run here. From the error message it sounds like you’re missing the application name of device uuid from the command

Feb 19, 2020


One can install the balena-cam files into the dos directories. The base names of directories is something like “balena-cam-master”. Potentially, the name of the file that will be included in the balena push command is in that “balena-cam-master” structure somewhere, but I don’t know which one it is, and it might have a file type (like .yml, or whatever) associated with it, but I don’t know which file (or type) it is. Is there a specific file name to be included with the balena push command?

Brian Wayne

You can find the documentation here: https://www.balena.io/docs/reference/balena-cli/#push-applicationordevice or running balena push -h in your terminal

Generally all you would need to do is enter the directory containing the project files and run balena push <name of your application>

Feb 19, 2020


It was difficult to remember what the “application” was (it’s been a few months). Finally, it dawned on me where to look for the application name, and it fully worked. The upload went off without a hitch. I still have to try the web link, but everything seems to work. Thanks for the help. I’ll check back should there be more questions. Thanks.

Brian Wayne

Feb 20, 2020


The device provisioning operates now, but there is a syntax error:

20.02.20 02:06:09 (-0700) balena-cam File “/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/aiortc/init.py”, line 9, in
20.02.20 02:06:09 (-0700) balena-cam from .rtcicetransport import (RTCIceCandidate, RTCIceGatherer, # noqa
20.02.20 02:06:09 (-0700) balena-cam File “/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/aiortc/rtcicetransport.py”, line 6, in
20.02.20 02:06:09 (-0700) balena-cam from aioice import Candidate, Connection
20.02.20 02:06:09 (-0700) balena-cam File “/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/aioice/init.py”, line 5, in
20.02.20 02:06:09 (-0700) balena-cam from .ice import Connection
20.02.20 02:06:09 (-0700) balena-cam File “/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/aioice/ice.py”, line 116
20.02.20 02:06:09 (-0700) balena-cam self.handle: Optional[asyncio.Future[None]] = None
20.02.20 02:06:09 (-0700) balena-cam ^
20.02.20 02:06:09 (-0700) balena-cam SyntaxError: invalid syntax
20.02.20 02:07:20 (-0700) balena-cam Traceback (most recent call last):
20.02.20 02:07:20 (-0700) balena-cam File “/usr/src/app/server.py”, line 5, in
20.02.20 02:07:20 (-0700) balena-cam from aiortc import RTCPeerConnection, RTCSessionDescription, VideoStreamTrack, RTCIceServer, RTCConfiguration
20.02.20 02:07:20 (-0700) balena-cam File “/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/aiortc/init.py”, line 9, in
20.02.20 02:07:20 (-0700) balena-cam from .rtcicetransport import (RTCIceCandidate, RTCIceGatherer, # noqa
20.02.20 02:07:20 (-0700) balena-cam File “/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/aiortc/rtcicetransport.py”, line 6, in
20.02.20 02:07:20 (-0700) balena-cam from aioice import Candidate, Connection
20.02.20 02:07:20 (-0700) balena-cam File “/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/aioice/init.py”, line 5, in
20.02.20 02:07:20 (-0700) balena-cam from .ice import Connection
20.02.20 02:07:20 (-0700) balena-cam File “/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/aioice/ice.py”, line 116
20.02.20 02:07:20 (-0700) balena-cam self.handle: Optional[asyncio.Future[None]] = None
20.02.20 02:07:20 (-0700) balena-cam ^
20.02.20 02:07:20 (-0700) balena-cam SyntaxError: invalid syntax
20.02.20 02:07:22 (-0700) Service exited ‘balena-cam sha256:ec5e5224437a4e11429e14c90d7edf03166ee078162964b306c46c0fe40cc899’

What am I doing wrong here?


Feb 20, 2020

There is an “error readout” in my most previous email. Does anyone see what’s wrong with that attempted push / provisioning? It’s not operating correctly. ??


Hi Brian, it seems like there might be an issue in the balenaCam repository, did you make any changes to that project or are you just pushing the master branch of that project? Also can detail what configuration variables you have set on your device?

Additionally can you tell us what balenaOS version and Device type you are using?

Feb 20, 2020


There were three gpu_mem variables set up early on prior to provisioning the device (I could paste them here in detail if needed – when I’m at my laptop). These variables (and values) were set up in the tutorial available on YouTube.

It seems like the other question wanted to find out where (what portion) of the dos-sub-tree I performed the balena push from. The balena-cam portion of the dos “tree” having something of it’s own “trunk” so to speak, is where I “balena pushed” from. Do I need to be farther out on the “branches” of the “balena-cam-master” portion of this overall tree? I hope I’m making sense.


Hello Wayne,
I can’t really make sense of your last message.
Please explain what you mean by “dos tree” or “farther out on the branches”.

You should have a folder where you have your application code, named “balena-cam-master” most probably according to your messages.
You need to be in that directory. From there type balena push <name of your application>.

Hello again,
About the syntax error you are getting:
There was a recent change in one of the libraries used in the project: https://github.com/aiortc/aioice/commit/87f58790488066a88293c82006b949e01971194c#diff-44d9853e2cbf5a53264f401988781d31
This change drops support for python3.5 (which is the version used in balena-cam)
This means that balena-cam is broken for now.
I’ve pinged the maintainers, it should be fixed soon.

Feb 21, 2020


Thank for the response with regard to the python version having been dropped. Hopefully they can repair that soon.

Brian Wayne

Feb 26, 2020


There were issues recently with some python scripts, or a python version, which was creating problems in trying to provision the Balena Video System to a Raspberry Pi. Does anyone know if there’s been a fix for that? I don’t need the video to work, positively right away, but perhaps there’s been some progress?

Brian Wayne

Hi @wayne1br - not quite sure what you are referring to. Can you point us to the issues so we can follow up ?