Problem: Interim dashboard sync skipped: No schema found.


I just set up a balenaSense system following the blog post here balenaSense v2: Updated temperature, pressure, and humidity monitoring for Raspberry Pi, using the " Deploy with balena" on a Raspberry Pi 3B v1.2.

The system works, and reports back to the balena dashboard, however I am not seeing any dashboards, graphs or data at all in Grafana. The InfluxDB connection is there tho. I
I used the 64bit version of balenaSense, the dashboard shows:
Host OS version: balenaOS 2.108.27
Supervisor version: 14.4.10
Current release: 2.3.1

The log is looping, repeating the message " Interim dashboard sync skipped: No schema found." which appears significant, I see several ppl has reported similar issues but none recently.
It seems something has gone wrong with the Grafana setup.

Any assistance would be welcome.

 sensor  GET / HTTP/1.1
 sensor  Host: sensor:7575
 sensor  User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1
 influxdb  2023-02-25T14:21:18.095298Z  info    Executing query {"log_id": "0gEDqaml000", "service": "query", "query": "SELECT fieldKey, fieldType FROM balena.autogen._fieldKeys"}
 influxdb  [httpd] - - [25/Feb/2023:14:21:18 +0000] "GET /query?db=balena&q=show+field+keys HTTP/1.1" 200 33 "-" "Python-urllib/3.9" ab496c6b-b517-11ed-807e-0242ac110006 2195
 dashboard  Interim dashboard sync skipped: No schema found.
 sensor  GET / HTTP/1.1
 sensor  Host: sensor:7575
 sensor  User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1
 sensor  Accept-Encoding: gzip
 influxdb  2023-02-25T14:21:28.115541Z  info    Executing query {"log_id": "0gEDqaml000", "service": "query", "query": "SELECT fieldKey, fieldType FROM balena.autogen._fieldKeys"}
 influxdb  [httpd] - - [25/Feb/2023:14:21:28 +0000] "GET /query?db=balena&q=show+field+keys HTTP/1.1" 200 33 "-" "Python-urllib/3.9" b14254dc-b517-11ed-807f-0242ac110006 3035
 dashboard  Interim dashboard sync skipped: No schema found.
 sensor  GET / HTTP/1.1
 sensor  Host: sensor:7575
 sensor  User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1
 influxdb  2023-02-25T14:21:38.139153Z  info    Executing query {"log_id": "0gEDqaml000", "service": "query", "query": "SELECT fieldKey, fieldType FROM balena.autogen._fieldKeys"}
 influxdb  [httpd] - - [25/Feb/2023:14:21:38 +0000] "GET /query?db=balena&q=show+field+keys HTTP/1.1" 200 33 "-" "Python-urllib/3.9" b73bd325-b517-11ed-8080-0242ac110006 4972
 dashboard  Interim dashboard sync skipped: No schema found.
 sensor  GET / HTTP/1.1
 sensor  Host: sensor:7575
 sensor  User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1
 sensor  Accept-Encoding: gzip
 influxdb  2023-02-25T14:21:48.163063Z  info    Executing query {"log_id": "0gEDqaml000", "service": "query", "query": "SELECT fieldKey, fieldType FROM balena.autogen._fieldKeys"}
 dashboard  Interim dashboard sync skipped: No schema found.
 influxdb  [httpd] - - [25/Feb/2023:14:21:48 +0000] "GET /query?db=balena&q=show+field+keys HTTP/1.1" 200 33 "-" "Python-urllib/3.9" bd355bfa-b517-11ed-8081-0242ac110006 2556
 sensor  GET / HTTP/1.1
 sensor  Host: sensor:7575
 sensor  User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1

Hello, just curious if you have rebooted from the balenaCloud dashboard since deploying the application? We’re still looking into why the dashboard block sometimes does not initially find the schema but a reboot has fixed that for me in the past.