I updated two pi 3 (1 standard and 1 64bit beta) both are disconnecting as soon as they come online. My WiFi network is pretty stable it being used by a few particles and esp8266 modules for iot fine…
Is there any way to debug it ?
Also are the Edison module still supported on balenaos? I did a firmware install using flashall.bat but the device won’t come online. Tried two different modules on a mini and Arduino .
Could you try flashing the devices with Development images and then seeing if they show as Offline. Then try connecting to them via SSH on port 22222 locally (from the same network) and seeing if they respond. It could be some firewall on your network is blocking the VPN from coming up and that is what drives the online/offline state. That, or you have the VPN disabled in the application configuration in the dashboard, which you would have to have done deliberately.
Would likely recommend using the balena CLI for the local ssh, with balena local ssh --host (and that can search for development devices on the local network)
If you want to use other SSH client, then the IP address you have to discover on the local network (for example pinging the device by shortuuid.local (where short uuid is the first 7 digits). The username is root, and development devices don’t ask for password.
As for the Edison, it’s still supported by us (I personally just deployed one today:). Can you explain what do you mean by “Tried two different modules on a mini and Arduino .”? Do you mean an actual Edison device or something else? Also, you downloaded the image from the balenaCloud dashboard? (setting the wifi credentials there) Or somewhere else?
@richbayliss One of the pi (aarch64) was on dev but it was not online long enuff to connect to it please see attached pic
Going to do a fresh install on the standard pi3 in dev and try and see if that helps.
@imrehg I ment I had two edison modules on a mini breakout board and Arduino Breakout Kit. Both never came online. Is there anyway to debug the Edison using the usb
When it drops offline, does attaching a wired connection bring the device back? If so, the easiest way is to investigate the device after doing so. Other options include checking the logs offline after enabling persistent logging. You can use journalctl -D after mounting the SD card. A third option is to attach a serial console to a dev image. It will allow live debugging over serial. Keep up updated with your findings.