Nodered container on Balena OAuth2 redirect URI's

Hi All,

I have a balena image in which i run a nodered container. Now i would like to use a Google Drive node to store files on my Google drive. For this i need the correct redirect URI’s otherwise the Google Authentication server will decline my authentication request. When i run similar functionality on a windows laptop i can get it all running nicely with the top-level domain localhost. But somehow this does not work on my Balena machine. Any experience or tips how to tackle this topic ?

many thanks in advance,



Hello @robinvantongeren, could you share a little more about your setup as I think this should be possible if you were able to do it with localhost on your laptop.

Which Google Drive node container are you using, can you link to the documentation?

Did you open any ports on your firewall in order for it to work on your laptop? Do you need a valid public redirect URL for this to work?

Any information you can share may help us or the community identify a solution!