No space left on device but there is space on the device

I have a script that runs inside a container in Balena.
The scripts needs to install Cuda and compile a C++ library.
Sometimes the script works. But often, I get the following error:

/tmp/ccXy0Svl.s: Fatal error: can't close yolo.o: No space left on device

However, there is space on the device, because running df returns:

Filesystem         1K-blocks     Used Available Use% Mounted on
overlay            236369912 45325940 178926704  21% /
tmpfs                  65536        0     65536   0% /dev
tmpfs               16391176        0  16391176   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/nvme0n1p6     236369912 45325940 178926704  21% /nvidia
tmpfs               16391176        8  16391168   1% /tmp/resin
shm                    65536        0     65536   0% /dev/shm
encrypted_storage: 236369912 57443208 178926704  25% /src/src

Is it possible that there is a limit imposed by Balena on the space that the container can use?

Hello, what type of device are you using, and what type of main storage does it have and any additional drives? There should be no limit on the available space.