Need help installing etcher on Parrot linux

Hello I’m a new user of Linux and I need help installing Etcher on Parrot linux. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have only done it on Ubuntu, but understand that Parrot is also Debian-based and should have similar installation. Can you run the AppImage provided on the Etcher homepage? Do you find the process diverging from these Ubuntu instructions?

Hi, Parrot Linux is debian-based so you should be able to use the etcher debian package. Ideally you should be able to use the AppImage which you can find here if not you can download the .deb file and can install it using dpkg

dpkg -i ~/path/to/balena-etcher.deb

If you want to run the appimage you will need to first make it executable.
chmod +x etcher.appimage

Secondly, the launcher fails with this error.

[16072:0715/] The SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly. Rather than run without sandboxing I’m aborting now. You need to make sure that /tmp/.mount_etcherF4zgMU/chrome-sandbox is owned by root and has mode 4755.
/tmp/.mount_etcherF4zgMU/balena-etcher-electron: line 10: 16072 Trace/breakpoint trap “{script_dir}"/balena-etcher-electron.bin "@”

I ran the appimage with sudo and it launched fine for me.

I renamed the file etcher.AppImage, so this would be my terminal command from the directory with the AppImage in it.

sudo ./etcher.AppImage

Hi @erock – can you please provide more information? It would be good to know:

  • What version of Etcher you’re trying to install
  • What package format you’re trying to install (AppImage, .deb, something else…)
  • What steps you’re taking to install it
  • What problems you run into, and the error messages you see when you encounter them

If you can provide this info, we’ll be more able to help.

All the best,