Names with uppercase raising errors (possible BUG?)

Hello guys, I’ve just had issues while pushing a project using uppercase letters (BASISNOVA2R1). The log shows:

14.02.18 10:23:36 (+0000) Downloading application ''
14.02.18 10:23:36 (+0000) Failed to download application '' due to '(HTTP code 500) server error - invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase '

I tried a docker pull locally and it failed:

 $ docker pull
invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase

But when I replaced the project / image name with lowercase, it worked:

$ docker pull
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from basisnova2r1/e45522c30.....

(Note: image and id changed above for security reasons)

So I think there must be a bug on case-sensitive images somewhere?

Hi, just to let you know that our team is currently working on fixing this and we will deploy a fix soon. We will post an update here once ready. Thanks for reporting it!

The fix is deployed on staging now.