A number of attempts have failed to install the MineCraft server project on my dashboard.
The application is recognised in the summary of my apps but I get no further. The device is showing the app’ name, and the green light for being online, but zero device number showing under total devices for this particular app’.
I have pushed the app’ but nothing showing in the dashboard, as you would expect with zero device showing in the summary.
Have run DEBUG=1 but all goes well with no errors.
Have re-flashed the OS and the app’ but still no show.
Could someone please give me a steer on this as I’m flummoxed?
BTW getting four consecutive green flashes on the Pi followed by a short space – pretty.
Thanks and regards.
You can flash a development OS image, so that you can diagnose the device locally. The development images are available from the dashboard on the same Add new device page - there is a switch for choosing them. https://www.balena.io/docs/reference/OS/overview/2.x/#development-vs-production-images
Once you flash a development image you can search the device from your local network with balena scan
and then connect to it with balena ssh <IP>
Once you enter the device you can check its journal logs with journalctl
and the kernel ones with dmesg
for any possible leads.
Many thanks Zahari for your response.
I tried installing both development and production versions but it did not make any difference to the problem.
balena scan only produces one device - the one running a separate application on a different device, which is running perfectly.
Re-installed the app’ which produced:
[balena-rcon] Successfully built f6c60256a1eb
[Info] Uploading images
[Success] Successfully uploaded images
[Info] Built on arm03
[Success] Release successfully created!
[Info] Release: e65c3f5012f5cbad5dea95216156894b (id: 1401926)
[Info] ┌──────────────┬────────────┬────────────┐
[Info] │ Service │ Image Size │ Build Time │
[Info] ├──────────────┼────────────┼────────────┤
[Info] │ mc-server │ 539.79 MB │ 32 seconds │
[Info] ├──────────────┼────────────┼────────────┤
[Info] │ scp-server │ 161.36 MB │ 20 seconds │
[Info] ├──────────────┼────────────┼────────────┤
[Info] │ wifi-connect │ 158.38 MB │ 39 seconds │
[Info] ├──────────────┼────────────┼────────────┤
[Info] │ balena-rcon │ 694.49 MB │ 48 seconds │
[Info] └──────────────┴────────────┴────────────┘
[Info] Build finished in 1 minute, 38 seconds
Any further thoughts please?
Thank and regards,
Hi Roger, it seems like the real issue is the device not connecting to the network. Not showing up in the dashboard and the four flashes seem to confirm this (https://www.balena.io/docs/faq/troubleshooting/troubleshooting/#unable-to-connect-to-the-internet).
How are you connecting your device? it might be worth connecting your device over ethernet to rule out wifi-issues.
Thanks for your response @StefKors
Found the WiFi settings to be the same as my other successful running project ‘Balena-Sense’ but my device still not recognised on the dashboard. However, changed over to ethernet and it uploaded and is now showing in the dashboard BUT not as being online. Only showing status as being ‘inactive.’
And ‘Last Online’ is continually showing as ‘Connecting’ and ‘No Logs Yet.’
Any further thoughts and advice please?
Thanks and regards,
@roj the fact that the device has now appeared in the dashboard means that the hard wired ethernet connection did work briefly but I’m suspecting something more serious is wrong with the device now you’ve ruled that out.
Are you still getting 4 green LED flashes? At this point, if you’ve already tried flashing the SD card again (it sounds like you have), I would be expecting that the SD card is bad in some way. If you’re running the development version of the OS and connected via ethernet it may still be possible to SSH into the device if you can find its local IP address from your DHCP server. Then you can ssh in the usual way with ssh root@ip -p 22222
. Alternatively you may be able to plug in a display to the device and see output logs but assuming you know the device works correctly normally I suspect the SD card is at fault here.
I hope this helps!
Thanks @chrisys . Changed the SD card to a new Samsung EVO class 10 (64GB as all I had available) and reflashed the image but still nothing. So changed to ethernet connection and the dashboard came alive eventually with all services running. HOWEVER, I’m now getting error messages, viz extract:
02.06.20 15:26:18 (+0000) Resolving www.google.com (www.google.com)…, 2a00:1450:4009:807::2004
02.06.20 15:26:18 (+0000) Connecting to www.google.com (www.google.com)||:80… connected.
02.06.20 15:26:18 (+0000) HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
02.06.20 15:26:18 (+0000) Length: unspecified [text/html]
02.06.20 15:26:18 (+0000) Remote file exists and could contain further links,
02.06.20 15:26:18 (+0000) but recursion is disabled – not retrieving.
02.06.20 15:26:18 (+0000)
02.06.20 15:26:18 (+0000) Skipping WiFi Connect
02.06.20 15:26:20 (+0000) Starting jar file with 1GB of RAM.
02.06.20 15:26:20 (+0000) Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile paper.jar
02.06.20 15:26:30 (+0000) Starting jar file with 1GB of RAM.
02.06.20 15:26:30 (+0000) Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile paper.jar
02.06.20 15:26:40 (+0000) Starting jar file with 1GB of RAM.
02.06.20 15:26:40 (+0000) Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile paper.jar
02.06.20 15:26:50 (+0000) Starting jar file with 1GB of RAM.
02.06.20 15:26:50 (+0000) Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile paper.jar
02.06.20 15:27:00 (+0000) Starting jar file with 1GB of RAM.
02.06.20 15:27:00 (+0000) Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile paper.jar
02.06.20 15:27:10 (+0000) Starting jar file with 1GB of RAM.
02.06.20 15:27:10 (+0000) Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile paper.jar
02.06.20 15:27:18 (+0000) Spider mode enabled. Check if remote file exists.
02.06.20 15:27:18 (+0000) --2020-06-02 15:27:18-- http://google.com/
02.06.20 15:27:18 (+0000) Resolving google.com (google.com)…, 2a00:1450:4009:808::200e
02.06.20 15:27:18 (+0000) Connecting to google.com (google.com)||:80… connected.
02.06.20 15:27:18 (+0000) HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 301 Moved Permanently
02.06.20 15:27:18 (+0000) Location: http://www.google.com/ [following]
02.06.20 15:27:18 (+0000) Spider mode enabled. Check if remote file exists.
02.06.20 15:27:18 (+0000) --2020-06-02 15:27:18-- http://www.google.com/
02.06.20 15:27:18 (+0000) Resolving www.google.com (www.google.com)…, 2a00:1450:4009:807::2004
02.06.20 15:27:18 (+0000) Connecting to www.google.com (www.google.com)||:80… connected.
02.06.20 15:27:18 (+0000) HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
02.06.20 15:27:18 (+0000) Length: unspecified [text/html]
02.06.20 15:27:18 (+0000) Remote file exists and could contain further links,
02.06.20 15:27:18 (+0000) but recursion is disabled – not retrieving.
02.06.20 15:27:18 (+0000)
02.06.20 15:27:18 (+0000) Skipping WiFi Connect
Even though running an ethernet connection, if the RPi4 wifi module is u/s would this cause these errors,
and also what is the significance of jarfile paper.jar errors, please?
Thanks and regards,
I wonder if @AlexProgrammerDE may be able to offer some more advice here, as the author of the project. It sounds like the paper.jar
file (a Java archive) has been corrupted in some way either during storage or download.
Hi this is a common issue. It occurs when the device has no internet connection and wants to get the paper.jar file. I already implemented a fix for that, but as you can see it doesnt work. My advice is just setting the ENABLE_UPDATE
enviroment variable to true. It will try to get a new file on next start of the container. I really must look further into it.
Thanks @AlexProgrammerDE and @chrisys
Regretfully, that didn’t fix it. Still errors but a little different, viz extract:
02.06.20 17:15:09 (+0000) but recursion is disabled – not retrieving.
02.06.20 17:15:09 (+0000)
02.06.20 17:15:09 (+0000) Skipping WiFi Connect
02.06.20 17:16:09 (+0000) Spider mode enabled. Check if remote file exists.
02.06.20 17:16:09 (+0000) --2020-06-02 17:16:09-- http://google.com/
02.06.20 17:16:09 (+0000) Resolving google.com (google.com)…, 2a00:1450:4009:807::200e
02.06.20 17:16:09 (+0000) Connecting to google.com (google.com)||:80… connected.
02.06.20 17:16:09 (+0000) HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 301 Moved Permanently
02.06.20 17:16:09 (+0000) Location: http://www.google.com/ [following]
02.06.20 17:16:09 (+0000) Spider mode enabled. Check if remote file exists.
02.06.20 17:16:09 (+0000) --2020-06-02 17:16:09-- http://www.google.com/
02.06.20 17:16:09 (+0000) Resolving www.google.com (www.google.com)…, 2a00:1450:4009:817::2004
02.06.20 17:16:09 (+0000) Connecting to www.google.com (www.google.com)||:80… connected.
02.06.20 17:16:09 (+0000) HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
02.06.20 17:16:09 (+0000) Length: unspecified [text/html]
02.06.20 17:16:09 (+0000) Remote file exists and could contain further links,
02.06.20 17:16:09 (+0000) but recursion is disabled – not retrieving.
02.06.20 17:16:09 (+0000)
02.06.20 17:16:09 (+0000) Skipping WiFi Connect
Any further thoughts please? My grandson is now becoming unbearable!
Thanks and regards,
@roj this isnt a error. Just some logs.
Sorry Alex. Omitted this:
We encountered an error when reaching this balena.io device:
UUID xxxxxxxxxx
tunneling socket could not be established: 500
One possible reason is because nothing is listening on port 80 on the device.
@roj sorry for the late answer. You cant use public URL. I already explained it in this issue: https://github.com/AlexProgrammerDE/balena-minecraft-server/issues/26
You can directly connect to: balenaminecraftserver
or the ip of the PI. As long as they are in the same network.
@AlexProgrammerDE - sorry for the delay in responding. I’m not using a public URL and I’ve implemented the change to the environment variable you suggested, and now using ethernet, with a RPi4/4 but the paper.jar file problem still persists despite changing and flashing new SD media. The repetitive log extract shows:
4.06.20 17:03:40 (+0000) mc-server Starting jar file with 1GB of RAM.
04.06.20 17:03:40 (+0000) mc-server Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile paper.jar
04.06.20 17:03:50 (+0000) mc-server Starting jar file with 1GB of RAM.
04.06.20 17:03:50 (+0000) mc-server Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile paper.jar
04.06.20 17:04:00 (+0000) mc-server Starting jar file with 1GB of RAM.
04.06.20 17:04:00 (+0000) mc-server Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile paper.jar
Would you please have any further suggestions? Thanks.
Hi @roj – Can you try running running the Device Health Checks in the Diagnostics tab for your device?
All the best,
Hello Hugh. Ran them again this morning and as yesterday they all checked out as ‘succeeded.’
But still getting in the logs ‘invalid or corrupt jarfile paper.jar’
Thanks and regards,
Were the networking issues resolved with the device? Is it showing online on the dashboard with ssh terminal access available?
Apologies for the delay in replying @majorz
Another project got in the way of my time.
Yes, the device is online and ssh is available and functioning.
Any more news on solving this issue, please?
Your temporary fix unfortunately didn’t work for me.
@roj i really cant understand why Enable update didnt work. The device showed above the logs that it has internet. I think something with setting the variable went wrong. Can you show me a screenshot of the variable in the dashboard?