Hi, Is there a log that is accessible via API or UI that shows us the history of actions we have taken on applications or devices, such as updating the OS or our release, etc.?
This would be very helpful when we try to trace presence or absence of unusual behavior to see if there is any correlation with software update activity.
Hi there, The closest thing to that is the logs shown in the device page in the dashboard, where you can filter only the non-service logs, for example, and get certain activity information from there. You can also call call https://api.balena-staging.com/device/v2/<UUID>/logs on the API, and optionally pass a stream query parameter to get the same information and you can store it somewhere for later access. You can see the SDK methods for this and how it’s implemented here: https://github.com/balena-io/balena-sdk/blob/master/lib/logs.js.
In the meantime I added this to our feature list to expose it in a more user-friendly manner, and we will let you know once it is implemented.