I have found another problem when trying to download Intel NUC Image. Since 2.26 with Supervisor 8.0.0 caused a bug (see my other threads). I used 2.13.6+rev2 production, which used to work on my Intel NUC.
I was able to setup 4 devices without problems, but the 5th devices (all the same hardware) stops downloading and retries because of following error: could not get decompression stream
Thanks for help! (Max 97% I reached) After, 10 retries. It got to 100%
13.12.18 16:12:06 (+0100) Creating network 'default'
13.12.18 16:12:06 (+0100) Creating volume 'resin-data'
13.12.18 16:12:06 (+0100) Downloading image 'registry2.balena-cloud.com/v2/XX@sha256:XX'
13.12.18 16:16:21 (+0100) Failed to download image 'registry2.balena-cloud.com/v2/1969abaa71891ed983f0ecf02e9d92eb@sha256:XX' due to 'could not get decompression stream: Get https://registry2.balena-cloud.com/v2/v2/XXXX/blobs/XXXX:XXXX: dial tcp: lookup registry2.balena-cloud.com on read udp> i/o timeout'
13.12.18 16:16:22 (+0100) Downloading image 'registry2.balena-cloud.com/v2/1969abaa71891ed983f0ecf02e9d92eb@sha256:XXX'
13.12.18 16:21:15 (+0100) Failed to download image 'registry2.balena-cloud.com/v2/XX@sha256:XXXX' due to 'could not get decompression stream: Get https://resin-production-registry2-cloudformation.s3.amazonaws.com/prod/docker/registry/v2/blobs/sha256/24/XXXX/data?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=DD%2F20181213%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20181213T152105Z&X-Amz-Expires=1200&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=XXXX: dial tcp: lookup resin-production-registry2-cloudformation.s3.amazonaws.com on read udp> i/o timeout'
13.12.18 16:21:16 (+0100) Downloading image 'registry2.balena-cloud.com/v2/XXXXX@sha256:XXX'