I’m using the Intel NUC base image on a Asus NUC-BOX-1220P with a Adler Lake Intel i3-1220P CPU.
Unfortunately i only get a video output of 800x600px. After checking “dmesg” i can see the following error:
Your graphics device 46b3 is not properly supported by the driver in this kernel version. To force driver probe anyway, use i915.force_probe=46b3 module parameter or CONFIG_DRM_I915_FORCE_PROBE=46b3
It looks like it might be an issue with the kernel version?
The issue is only with newer Intel NUC devices as i also tested a NUC 13 Pro i3 (NUC13ANHi3), which did not work. But a older NUC 10 (NUC10i5FNHN1) works just fine.
This is my Dockerfile for context:
FROM balenalib/$BALENA_ARCH-debian:bullseye
# Install XORG
RUN install_packages xserver-xorg \
xserver-xorg-input-evdev \
xinit \
xfce4 \
xfce4-terminal \
x11-xserver-utils \
dbus-x11 \
matchbox-keyboard \
# this removes the xfce4-panel pckg so we don't have a taskbar (panel) displayed
RUN apt-get purge xfce4-panel
WORKDIR /opt/xserver
# this file is executed before xserver is started
COPY src/xinitrc /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
COPY src/entry.sh src/config.sh src/setKeyboardLayout.sh VERSION /opt/xserver/
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "/opt/xserver/entry.sh"]
UDEV=on \
# Avoid requesting XFCE4 question on X start
I would greatly appreciate any support on this, thanks!