Is there an easy guide out on installing CEC Utils (without building my own docker images ?)
Is there an easy guide out on installing CEC Utils (without building my own docker images ?)
Hi @dewitpj, have you seen this forum post?
My teammate explains how to install cec-utils
on Raspberry Pi. Could you try that and see if it works?
Yes, but where do I add that and can I do an in place swap from balenaOS to Raspbian ?
Hi @dewitpj – the forum post talks about changing the Docker image you use to balenalib/rpi-raspbian; this would be in the Dockerfile for your application.
If you’re still running into problems, can you share the Dockerfile or docker-compose file you’re using, the steps you’re running, and any errors you’re seeing?
All the best,
Thanks for the reply - I think I should expand on what I am trying to do here. I am trying to add CEC to the balenasound “image” - It appears that I have now figured out how to do that to a degree.
I have added a directory called cec to the balenasound source and modified the docker-compose file to include this directory. I have added a simple Dockerfile.template to install the basic Raspbian docker along with cec-utils.
At the moment this “works” but it appears that something is grabbing the HDMI port. I suspect this will be the audio output, perhaps - more debugging I guess
Thanks !
Hi @dewitpj – glad to hear you’ve made progress with this. Adding CEC to the balena-sound repo sounds like a great feature. Keep us posted, and feel free to send in a pull request to the project!
All the best,
Only if I can get it to work
At the moment it’s still getting stuck on the port being in use