Improving boot speed of BalenaOs in Raspberry pi

Hi I am trying to improve the boot speed of raspberry pi cm4 balenaOs and I have seen that it takes approx 30 to 40 seconds to boot from power on to the docker container.
Some of my improvements includes -

  1. Removing bluetooth service as its not in use for me
  2. Combining DTBO files to DTB
    Now the Kernel boots in 5.664s but the Userspace takes approx 32.590s.
    Running -

systemd-analyse blame


21.715s balena.service

Is there any way to improve reduce any services which run in balena service ?
I am using openBalena server and I was wondering if there is any service that is not required to run in BalenaOs which I can remove from the build.

Great question, I too would like to know. meta-balena/meta-balena-common/recipes-containers/balena/balena/balena.service at master · balena-os/meta-balena · GitHub shows it involved with at least health checks, container management, logging, and networking. Maybe there are low-level settings that would turn some of those off but I have not found details.