hello , after flashing my usb , I plugged the key on my pc , the usb boot is good but the install was crash , so I return on my windows for formate my usb , but when I want to formate my usb I have an error. !
DISKPART> select disk 2
Le disque 2 est maintenant le disque sélectionné.
Diskpart a rencontré une erreur : Accès refusé.
Pour plus d’informations, voir le journal d’événements système.
Diskpart a rencontré une erreur : Accès refusé.
Pour plus d’informations, voir le journal d’événements système.
DISKPART> create partition primary
DiskPart a réussi à créer la partition spécifiée.
DISKPART> format fs=fat32 quick
Diskpart a rencontré une erreur : Le fichier spécifié est introuvable.
Pour plus d’informations, voir le journal d’événements système.
Since you had access denied when performing DISKPART clean/format, It means that the storage device is considered to be blocked, write-protected or unauthorized and in this case, DISKPART clean or format command cannot be properly completed.
Can you please check again if your device is not locked?
it seem like a big problem with is tool just after failed flash your device is gone. In Poweriso when you encounter a such a problem, there is away to restore back your device to its previous state. You have to find a way to solve this issue.
Are you able to run diskpart.exeusing administrator privileges? Admin privileges are required to write onto the disk. You may follow the guide on how to run diskpart with admin privileges using this guide: Etcher broke my USB stick … or did it?
You may also run the command detail disk from within diskpart after selecting the disk to see if the disk’s read-only property is set to Yes. If it is, you may try running the command attributes disk clear readonly in diskpart to reset that property. Reboot your computer then try reformatting your USB again.