I am receiving a notification that my request are slow down so I cannot login to BalenaHub anymore

I cannot login with 2FA to dashboard.balena-cloud.com. The button Log in was not responding so I hit it a couple of times and then I got the following notification: We need to slow down your requests temporarily. Please wait a moment, we will process them shortly.

After some time waiting I still cannot login. The notification is not showing up anymore but button is not responding again.

A workaround is to switch to a different internet connection but this is far from ideal off course.

Hello @willem first of all welcome to the balena community!

Could you please confirm where are you connecting from? and what browser version are you using?


In the meantime it is working again.

I am connecting from Chrome Version 128.0.6613.113 (Official Build) (64-bit) running on Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS.

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I have the same issue again!

Couldn’t login to Balena anymore and updated Chrome to Version 130.0.6723.91 (Official Build) (64-bit) and removed cookies…

Switeched to Windows and get the same in Chrome Version 130.0.6723.70 (Official Build) (64-bit) on Windows

Switching to Edge gives the same pop-up. So I would say this is not browser related.

Please fix this!

Hello @willem

This message genrally means that you are getting rate limited. Maybe you have a script running with your API key which is firing a bunch of requests and you get 429 when trying to login aswell? Did you try to log in too many times with wrong e-mail or password?

Could you please confirm what are you running on balena?

I’m having trouble logging into my dashboard with 2FA enabled. When I clicked the ‘Log in’ button, it didn’t seem to respond, so I clicked it a few more times. but I’m still unable to log in. Has anyone else faced this issue or found a solution?"

@JuanCaleb could you please share more details of your log in process? Did you check the logs from your browser?
