How to run edge AI with OpenVINO on balenaCloud

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Set up a balenaCloud account: Go to the balenaCloud website (The container-based platform for deploying IoT fleets - Balena) and create an account if you don’t have one already. Follow the instructions to set up your application and device.
Create a balenaCloud application: Once you have an account, create a new application in balenaCloud. Choose the appropriate device type that matches your edge device (e.g., Raspberry Pi, Intel NUC).
Set up your edge device: Install the balenaOS image on your edge device according to the instructions provided by balenaCloud. Make sure your device is connected to the internet and is accessible through balenaCloud.
Create a Dockerfile: Create a Dockerfile in the root directory of your project. The Dockerfile specifies the container environment for your edge device. Here’s a sample Dockerfile to get you started:

FROM balenalib/<device-type>-ubuntu:bionic

RUN install_packages <required-packages>

COPY . /app


CMD ["python", ""]

Replace <device-type> with the appropriate device type (e.g., raspberrypi3, intel-nuc). <required-packages> should include any dependencies your application needs, such as OpenVINO and its dependencies.

Configure balenaCloud environment variables: In your balenaCloud application dashboard, go to the "Environment Variables" section. Add the necessary environment variables for OpenVINO, such as INTEL_OPENVINO_DIR and LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Set their values according to your device’s configuration.
Deploy the application: Push your project to balenaCloud using the balena CLI or the balenaCloud dashboard. This will build and deploy your Docker container to your edge device.
Test the application: Once the deployment is complete, your edge device should start running the containerized application. Monitor the logs in the balenaCloud dashboard to ensure everything is working correctly.