I am new to resin,io. I would like to know if it is possible to build a container that will allow my raspberry pi 3 to act as if it was running on stretch ?
I have implemented a whole project (mainly python script & Mosquitto MQTT Broker ) on stretch and I whould like to be able to use OTA updates now. I saw many github repository like base-image or official-images but I have no idea of how to use it.
My experience of resin,io so far is manage to upload the Hello World simple server.
Can you show me where I can find this documentation or if it is possible ?
Probably you’d like to use the resin/raspberrypi3-debian:stretch as your base image (that is in your Dockerfile setting something like FROM resin/raspberrypi3-debian:stretch
You can also see the recent tags that you can use on Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/resin/raspberrypi3-debian/tags/, e.g. stretch is the latest Stretch release that gets replaced each time when there’s a new one, while stretch-20180714 is a fixed release done on 2018/07/14. Using a date tagged release can help when you want more reproducible builds of your application, while the dateless stretch is good to be on the latest version all the time.
There’s also wheezy, jessie, and buster releases as well.
You can see more information on the base images in our docs:
Yes its possible to update the underlying hostOS, this is done from the “Actions” menu on the left hand side of the dashboard.
I don’t think just seting the UART=1 will be enough. I think you will need to attach a serial getty service to the hdmi and the writing to that tty.
I believe you should be able to append to /etc/hosts at runtime and it should just work. I think doing it at build time might cause trouble as it could end up being shadowed when the container starts up.