golang 1.16 image tags

The Balena Base Images page (Balena base images - Balena Documentation) specifically mentions golang 1.16 as part of the supported stacks, yet all the images on docker hub only have tags for 1.15.x.

There appears to be source for the 1.16 containers on GitHub, but none of the images appear to be available on Docker Hub for `raspberry-pi architecture

Am I missing something obvious?

For anyone else running into this, seems like it’s now a known issue that’s being looked into: balenalib/raspberrypi4-64-golang:1.16 images missing · Issue #687 · balena-io-library/base-images · GitHub


Just want to let you know that the Go v1.16 and v1.17 base images are now available, please let us know if you need further support.

Great, thanks :slight_smile: