Hi Everyone, I wonder if someone can offer me some advice.
I have just set up the Fold client on a 4GB Pi4 having deployed it via my dashboard as per GitHub - balena-labs-projects/rosetta-at-home. The only change I have made to this was adding my own Rosetta account ID using the “ACCOUNT_KEY” environment variable before running up the Pi. Everything seems to be going OK in the computational sense but the UI is broken. I cannot connect to the unit’s UI directly or via the public facing IP which reports that a “tunneling socket could not be established: 500”.
Looking at the dashboard I see the UI repeatedly alternating between “Running” and “Downloaded” and the terminal repeatedly showing restarts and disconnects.
25.11.20 09:43:35 (+0000)
25.11.20 09:43:35 (+0000) > foldforcovid-dashboard@1.0.0 start /usr/app/dashboard
25.11.20 09:43:35 (+0000) > node server.js
25.11.20 09:43:35 (+0000)
25.11.20 09:43:37 (+0000) Service exited ‘ui sha256:490(redacted, always the same)174d8’
25.11.20 09:43:37 (+0000) Killed service ‘ui sha256:490(redacted, always the same)174d8’
25.11.20 09:43:38 (+0000) Installing service ‘ui sha256:490(redacted, always the same)174d8’
25.11.20 09:43:39 (+0000) Installed service ‘ui sha256:490(redacted, always the same)174d8’
25.11.20 09:43:39 (+0000) Starting service ‘ui sha256:490(redacted, always the same)174d8’
25.11.20 09:43:42 (+0000) Started service ‘ui sha256:490(redacted, always the same)174d8’
25.11.20 09:43:42 (+0000) 2020/11/25 09:43:42 Permitting clients to write input to the PTY.
25.11.20 09:43:42 (+0000) 2020/11/25 09:43:42 Server is starting with command: boinctui
25.11.20 09:43:42 (+0000) 2020/11/25 09:43:42 URL:
25.11.20 09:43:42 (+0000) 2020/11/25 09:43:42 URL: (redacted)/
25.11.20 09:43:42 (+0000) 2020/11/25 09:43:42 URL: (redacted)/
25.11.20 09:43:43 (+0000) Killing service ‘ui sha256:490(redacted, always the same)174d8’
25.11.20 09:43:44 (+0000)
25.11.20 09:43:44 (+0000) > foldforcovid-dashboard@1.0.0 start /usr/app/dashboard
25.11.20 09:43:44 (+0000) > node server.js
25.11.20 09:43:44 (+0000)
25.11.20 09:43:46 (+0000) Service exited ‘ui sha256:490(redacted, always the same)174d8’
25.11.20 09:43:46 (+0000) Killed service ‘ui sha256:490(redacted, always the same)174d8’
25.11.20 09:43:48 (+0000) Installing service ‘ui sha256:490(redacted, always the same)174d8’
25.11.20 09:43:48 (+0000) Installed service ‘ui sha256:490(redacted, always the same)174d8’
25.11.20 09:43:48 (+0000) Starting service ‘ui sha256:490(redacted, always the same)174d8’
25.11.20 09:43:50 (+0000) Started service ‘ui sha256:490(redacted, always the same)174d8’
25.11.20 09:43:50 (+0000) 2020/11/25 09:43:50 Permitting clients to write input to the PTY.
25.11.20 09:43:50 (+0000) 2020/11/25 09:43:50 Server is starting with command: boinctui
25.11.20 09:43:50 (+0000) 2020/11/25 09:43:50 URL:
25.11.20 09:43:50 (+0000) 2020/11/25 09:43:50 URL: (redacted)/
25.11.20 09:43:50 (+0000) 2020/11/25 09:43:50 URL: (redacted)/
25.11.20 09:43:52 (+0000) Killing service ‘ui sha256:490(redacted, always the same)174d8’
25.11.20 09:43:52 (+0000)
… over and over again. Trying to stop then restart the UI service from the dashboard results in the service becoming completely inoperable until a reboot when the whole process starts again.
My Fold instance resulted in a host version of balenaOS 2.60.1+rev5, Supervisor 11.14.0, target release f79ec6d. There are no errors or warnings in my health checks or device diagnostics. I am seeing credits appearing against my Rosetta account so the number crunching seems to be OK, it’s just the UI that appears to be broken out of the box.
CPU is at approx 79%, temperature is OK at 69 degrees, memory is 3.1 / 3.8GB and storage 2.6 GB / 27.8 GB.
Nothing else is running on this Pi at all.
Please, any thoughts or suggestions would be welcomed.