Flash from https://github.com/home-assistant/operating-system/releases/download/10.4/haos_generic-x86-64-10.4.img.xz to USB fails

Flash from Homeassistant URL Fails. What are solutions. Last time I attempted this procedure it destroyed a brand new 2tb USB

Hello, have you tried unzipping/de-compressing the image file before flashing?

Hi Thanks for the advice. No I had not. Following online tuts nowhere was that mentioned. Thanks I will give it whirl. Bob

Hello again. As I am attempting to follow https://www.home-assistant.io/installation/generic-x86-64 these directions to download and flash the image to my USB there is no method to uncompress unzipp de-compress this image from the homeassistant. So which part of the instructions am I not following.

Hi @pigsflynews,

While we weren’t involved in that Home Assistant write-up, we do develop and maintain balenaEtcher, and can confirm that unzipping the file is indeed necessary before our tool can flash your device.

Let us know if unzipping and decompressing the image file allowed you to flash as expected. If not, please share with us any error messages and press CTRL+SHIFT+I to share the console logs with us for further troubleshooting.

A lot of us are big Home Assistant fans as well, so we’d like to help get you up and running. :grin:

Hey there,

I’m Munasir, and I totally get your frustration. I’ve been in situations where I’ve messed up hardware too, so you’re not alone. Let’s see if we can get you sorted.

When you’re saying “Flash from Home Assistant URL,” I assume you’re referring to installing Home Assistant OS onto a USB or SSD. Here are some pointers and solutions based on my experiences:

Quality of USB/SSD: Always use a reputable and high-quality USB/SSD. Cheaper or unknown brands can be unreliable and may fail during write operations.
USB Port: Ensure the USB port you’re using is in good working condition. If possible, connect directly to the PC/laptop rather than using a USB hub.
Download Integrity: Sometimes, the download might be corrupted. Always check the checksum of the downloaded file (if provided) to ensure it’s intact.
Flashing Tool: I’ve had the most success with tools like Balena Etcher and Rufus. Make sure you’re using the latest version of these tools.
Drive Selection: Double-check to make sure you’re selecting the correct drive before flashing. This ensures you don’t unintentionally write to another drive.
Try a Different Computer: Sometimes the problem might be with the computer you’re using to flash. If possible, try using a different machine.
Format Before Flashing: If you’ve had an unsuccessful flash before, format the USB/SSD (using tools like the built-in Windows formatter or tools like SD Card Formatter) before attempting to flash again.
Check for Updates: If you’re following a guide, make sure it’s up to date. Home Assistant’s installation methods or requirements might change, and outdated instructions might cause issues.
Backup: Always, always back up any important data from your USB or SSD before attempting to flash.
Community Help: If all fails, the Home Assistant community is really active and supportive. You might find someone who has faced the same problem and has a solution.

Sorry to hear about the 2TB USB. It really hurts to lose new gear. Hopefully, with these tips, you’ll have a smoother experience moving forward.

Best of luck, and let me know if you have more questions!
