I have just got a new 1TB micro sd card and I am trying to flash Home Assistant. I go through the steps without any issues and the flash sequence commences. It get to the last step “Finishing” and reports Flash Failed!
Balena Etcher
Version = 1.5.120
Hi @apz4, first of all welcome to the balena forums
Thanks for the context about your setup and the error logs. Reading the logs, we see Validation error after the flashing is done. We saw similar issues reported on Windows 10: Lock the drive to prevent failure on verification · Issue #3197 · balena-io/etcher · GitHub
In short, the data Etcher reads from the device is not exactly the same as the one in the disk image that was written.
In the most of the cases when we see this issue, the flashing has been successfully done actually. Although the verification fails, you might still use the card. Have you tried it?