Disable console over Serial in Dev on RPi3?

Ok, this time I think I got it (can’t test right now). So, the answer would be “no Docker layers won’t influence what’s happening on the host” but RESIN_HOST_CONFIG_* application variables set in “Fleet Configuration > Application config variables” will !

So in my case, the 3 things to do (only 2 in prod ResinOS) to make the serial port readable were :

  1. Disabling port services (watching carefully the serial0/serial1 links or disabling everything) :

    mount -o remount,rw /
    systemctl mask serial-getty@ttyAMA0.service
    systemctl mask serial-getty@serial0.service
    systemctl mask serial-getty@serial1.service

  2. setting the baudrate to a lower value using “stty” (which seems to be a persistent setting through reboots).

  3. Configuring some variables in /boot/config.txt through “Fleet Configuration > Application config variables” in resin.io :

    RESIN_HOST_CONFIG_dtoverlay pi3-miniuart-bt
    RESIN_HOST_CONFIG_enable_uart 1