Device not online / Production

After reading this topic, I’ve decided to post my progress with the certificate issue. I’ve tested the RPI 3 image. I’ve mounted the image on macOS and the “boot” partition mounted to my system, because that’s the only partition macOS can read. This partition is read/write.

I’ve added the openBalena ca.crt to this partition, ejected the image and flashed it to a SD card. I’ve booted the RPI 3 with the SD card and located the ca.crt at /mnt/boot. This is where I ran into problems. The next step is adding the ca.crt to the trusted certificates (obviously). In the openBalena guide, there is a section to add the cert to trusted certificates for Windows, MacOS and Linux. I’ve followed these steps for Linux, but because it’s a read-only system, it couldn’t add the certificate to the trusted section.

I haven’t had the time to do more research into this, and it’s obviously a workaround for the time-being (plz fix it), but these are the steps that “succeeded”. I hope someone can tell me and others the steps to bring it to a 100% success story!

And last but not least, @dfunckt thanks for the quick production support images! Once the openBalena is running okay, with the certificate issue fixed and a detailed guide, I’m surely going to use it for all of our projects! I really can’t wait to use this awesome product and helping to improve it!