It looks like the basicstation service is in a restarting loop. Could you please confirm the hardware that you are using? Could you also please share the Device Variables that you have defined?
I very much doubt the device is at /dev/ttyAMA0. How do you connect the module to the CM4? What carrier board are you using You can try set the DEVICE variable to AUTO and let the service try to find the device, it will probably be in /dev/ttyUSBx.
Ah, probably it’s because the USB2 interface is disabled by default on the CM4. You must add dtoverlay=dwc2,dr_mode=host to the config.txt file.
See Balena CM4 IO Board image: usb support - #6 by nmx
Can also be done from the dashboard under the device configuration option.
But then we are back to the initial problem. I still have the gateway re-starting and getting the error killing process ## as shown in the log files: pet-tracking_floral-fin-2024-05-09t16_43_24+02_00.txt (102.2 KB)