custom board support without initramfs possible?


I’m trying to add support for a custom board.

My custom yocto layer and board does not have an initramfs and can boot just fine without it. For balena os image resin-systemd, do I need an initramfs?

Currently I’m getting an error from kernel do_deploy() while it is trying to install a non existing initrams:

cannot stat 'arch/arm/boot/my-custom-board.img.initramfs': No such file or directory

Is it possible to disabled this initramfs dependency ?

Hi. Is the custom layer available for us to have a quick look? Or maybe even the entire board repo?

Hi all,
this happens because of meta-rockchip/ at yocto-next · rockchip-linux/meta-rockchip · GitHub

To workaround this, you should have the following in your linux bbappend :


python () {
# revert variable set in rockchip BSP