Create a mechanism to switch between organisations

Currently, when using the balenaCloud dashboard, you’re given options for fleets/apps/blocks and organisations. This means when you click on fleets, what you get is a view of all the fleets/apps/blocks you have access to merged together in one list. It means when you click ‘create fleet’ you have to consciously choose an org as the default is selected purely by alphabetical order.

When I am working, 99.99% of the time everything I’m doing is contained within one organization. There’s the occasional time where I need to move things between orgs but that’s very much the minority. I believe the user interface should follow SaaS conventions and allow ‘switching between’ organisations and clearly draw lines between them, ORGANISING them into separate areas and not allowing everything to be merged together into one place.

Chris Crocker-White: We did some digging into the data for this (thanks Genadi) and found that the vast majority of the users on the platform are a member of only one org, so might be a while before this becomes a priority, but let us know here if this is a real issue for you.