Copying custom dtbo to /boot/overlays?

Is there any way to copy custom overlays into the /boot/overlays directory? Or is this a manual-only undertaking?

Does somebody can help with this question?


Hi @drewcovi, @rlev

Can you please provide us with a bit more information on what exactly you’d like to do?

There is also a section in our documentation on this that could be helpful:

Kind regards

Hi @AlidaOdendaal

I have a custom compiled .dtbo file and I would like to include in the BalenaOS.

How to do this?


Hello, to add a custom .dtbo you could try opening a PR to Have a look at which should give you a good idea on how to add these

Just wanted to add that we found another thread which might have some useful information for you: it explains how to load the overlays to a specific device so you can test and rapidly iterate on any changes Balena Fin + Optiga TPM Let me know if you need any more help with this

I’ve recently had the need to install a custom dtbo file for an LCD screen. This is what I did to add it to my device image:

  • create a loopback device (losetup -fP ________.img)
  • mount the boot partition of the .img to a temporary dir on my machine (mount /dev/loop6p1 $(mktemp -d))
  • copy the file into the mounted partition’s /boot/overlays.

It’s true, as above, that in some cases a particularly common dtbo/dtb can be included by an upstream PR, but there are tons of dtb/dtbo’s out there which it’s not reasonable to include in the base image by default. In cases like these, there’s nothing to stop you from adding it yourself!