Configure Jetson Orin AGX Devkit device only using Balena-cli

Please, How to Add new Jetson Orin AGX devkit device and connect it to balenaCloud only with Balena-cli ( without Flashing BalenaOS in the SD card… )

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Hello @sofianemeghazi to add a device on balenaCloud, the device must be running balenaOS. Is there any reason why you don’t ant to flash balenaOS in a SD card.

To flash balenaOS on the Jetson Orin AGX you will need to use the jetson-flash tool from here GitHub - balena-os/jetson-flash: This tool allows users to flash BalenaOS on Jetson supported devices

Let us know how we can help you more!

Hello @sofianemeghazi did you have time to flash the Jetson?

Let us know if we can help you more!