Checksums do not match

I can now post more replies! This is material that was edited into an earlier message, now removed.

The image of the SD card is here: and thank you very much.

This morning (U.S. Eastern time) I bootstrapped the Win 10 computer in Safe Mode with Networking and ran ten trials using Etcher Portable 1.5.57, all of which succeeded. I ran five more trials using Etcher 1.5.57 installed, and all of those succeeded as well.

I restarted the computer twice once to recover from the automatic start of apps after Safe Mode and again to get a cold start. Five trials of installed Etcher failed with checksum errors.

From that I conclude that either another process is writing to the SD adapter or Etcher’s output buffer is being somehow corrupted when Windows is in “normal” mode.

I still don’t understand why this problem appears only with the 09-26 version of Raspbian as released, and not with other versions of Raspbian, including the immediately previous version and even the 09-26 version after I’ve added some software and removed other software.

Software removed: Wolfram Mathematica and associated modules; Geany

Software added: Vivaldi browser, Gnome screenshot, w1thermsensor added to Python library.

Application launcher customized.