Hello there,
Is there a reliable way of knowing about problematic balenaOS versions as they are fixed without having to check on the device dashboard UI?
The balenaOS changelog is specific to the OS (ofc), but the UI shows warnings like the following:
ex: I have devices running on balenaOS 5.2.8 that are showing issues, I would like to know asap when they’re diagnosed as problematic.
Thank you in advance.
Hi @yuriploc,
We don’t have a way to do this today, but we’re discussing options for it internally as we’ve had other customers who’ve requested the same, and of course we like the same notifications from platforms / tools we use as well.
If you wouldn’t mind, could you create a Feature Request for it? It would be great to have more information about how you would use this kind of information, what format you prefer to receive it in, etc.
Thank you!
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