Okay lets take a step back and forget about the BeagleCore Board for the moment.
I have a BeagleBone Black on which i have a factory image running (debian). Now i connect the mini USB connector to the BeagleBoard and the USB A connector on the other side of the cable to my notebook. Now the BBB gets powered by my notebook over the USB Cable.
When i open the Explorer on my Notebook I can now see the BeagleBoard as a removable Device, If i check the available network Adapters I can see a Virtual Ethernet, and If i check the Device Manager there is a Serial Interface “COM3” available - Everything over one single USB cable (I did not attach anything else to the BBB).
If i do now flash a ResinOS Dev version and leave everything else of the setup untouched. there is no removable device, no virtual Ethernet and (most important for me) there is no Serial Interface “COMx” available.
That is what i meant with reproducable on a BBB.
Now back to our BeagleCore - The problem here is that I can not open a Terminal Session to Search / Debug the Device. And we do not have any other Serial Port available at our Custom Layout. There is only the mini USB Connector which i can attach to.
I hope i could clarify the Problem.