Beaglebone Black and UART, how to enable

Hello, as of 2025 what is the current method to enable UART port on a Beaglebone Black? There seems to be a lot of outdated information on this forum which is not working for me.

  1. Do you need it to enable login via UART?
  2. Or to enable using UART for data transfer?

To answer the question 1 I wrote, UART0 (/dev/ttyS0) seems to be enabled by default, but I don’t know if there is a getty listening there. Systemd is running and getty target (which usually refers to login prompt, I guess) is active, but I’m not currently aware how it is set up. I could test hooking up some cables to the serial debug port (UART0), to see what it’s doing.

To answer the question 2 I wrote, I’ve been using other Beaglebone Black UARTs (/dev/ttyS1…/dev/ttyS5 which correspond to UART1…UART5) for data transfer. Running BalenaOS 6.0.32 now.

I separately add these lines on each Balena device (“host OS”) to /mnt/boot/uEnv.txt:


and reboot.

Note there is only TX (no RX) on UART3.

Using overlays, you can also enable using I2C ports, RTCs etc. The pre-compiled overlays are in “host OS” under /boot/overlays (not /mnt/boot). I’ve used RTCs and I2C sensors with Balena, it should work.

Hi, we figured it out in the end, but to me this doesn’t seem like something I can roll out to a fleet of these devices, if i need to manually edit a boot file on each one to get it to read the /ttys01 device … I was hoping it could be done using device configuration variables or dockerfile