Hi There,
BalenaSound on Pi Zero with HifiBerry zero does not play. Some things seems to went fine:
- Define DT parameters “i2c_arm=on”,“spi=on”,“audio=off”
- BALENA_HOST_CONFIG_dtoverlay hifiberry-dac
The device is visible in Spotify, there is says ’ listening’ . However in the log file:
12.07.20 21:07:55 (+0200) spotify ALSA lib pcm.c:8424:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occurred
As i read on the forum i tried to disable multiroom (status = Exited) but the bluetooth-audio is still running. I want to disable those because there no need i hopefully the CPU usage will be lower and the underrun will be solved.
Any tips and trics are welcome.
Best regards,
It looks like this is related to audio stuttering issue you can try some troubleshooting methods mentioned here https://sound.balenalabs.io/docs/troubleshooting#audio-cuts-or-is-very-stuttery.
We can also try and reduce the bitrate to 160 and see if underrun
issue is resolved. You can update this in spotify/start.sh
hey Amit,
Thanks for you reply. I went to to the bluetooth-audio termal i found a start.sh in /usr/src. Howto edit this file in BalenaCloud? (I’m a BelenaCloud newbie)
Thanks in advance!
Best regards,
Hello Vincent, I think the file Amit was referring to should be https://github.com/balenalabs/balena-sound/blob/master/spotify/start.sh Did you deploy balena-sound directly though the Deploy to Balena
If changes need to be made to the application then you will need to go through the “manual” deploy steps. Have a look at https://sound.balenalabs.io/docs/getting-started#one-click-application-creation-and-deploy for more information and let me know if you need any other help with this.