Balena Mail is flagged as spam

Hi there,
I just want to let you to know that your activation link Mail is flagged as spam from our provider.

Best Regards


Thank you for mentioning this @Markus.Kohn.GWA we will check that. Could you please confirm who is your Mail provider?

BTW welcome to the balena community.

Let us know how more we can help you :slight_smile:

BTW Markus, I tried to reproduce and we don’t have activation link in balenaCloud. Could you please confirm what is the e-mail you receive on spam? Thanks

Hi there,

I’m back from exams and want to give you some more information.
This is the mail displayed by outlook, it is the only one so far, flagged as spam though.

Mail Provider is (a german mail and web-provider)

Kind Regards,


Thanks for the additional detail @Markus.Kohn.GWA – it’s actually a Discouse domain that has been flagged, so a bit beyond our control…but I’ll look for any other examples and reach out to them if need be. Thanks!

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Hi @dtischler
i just wanted to make sure that you are aware of this minor possibility of missing users’ reaction to a mail.
For me, this thread can be closed here.

Have a nice weekend