I would like to flash an SD card on a local windows 10 machine using command line instruction (I know that this can be accomplished by using the balenaEtcher tool but that is not the goal). Therefore, I installed balena-cli and wanted to use the command “balena local flash path/to/balenaos.img --drive /dev/disk2” as described here.
When I entered the command in the command prompt on my windows 10 machine the following error appears.
When I activate Debug it tells me
C:\WINDOWS\system32>balena local flash d:\CV180DiskImage.iso --drive \.\PHYSICALDRIVE4
[debug] original argv0=“C:\Program Files\balena-cli\bin\…\client\bin\node.exe” argv=[C:\Program Files\balena-cli\client\bin\node.exe,C:\Program Files\balena-cli\client\bin\run,local,flash,d:\CV180DiskImage.iso,–drive,\.\PHYSICALDRIVE4] length=7
Drive not found: \.\PHYSICALDRIVE4
Error: Drive not found: \.\PHYSICALDRIVE4
** at getDrive (C:\Program Files\balena-cli\client\build\actions\local\flash.js:14:19)**
From previous event:
** at runCommand (C:\Program Files\balena-cli\client\build\app-capitano.js:181:14)**
** at Object.exports.run (C:\Program Files\balena-cli\client\build\app-capitano.js:193:39)**
** at routeCliFramework (C:\Program Files\balena-cli\client\build\preparser.js:39:79)**
** at **
** at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:189:7)**
** at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:696:11)**
** at startup (bootstrap_node.js:204:16)**
** at bootstrap_node.js:625:3**
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I do not understand why this doesn’t work. I know that the “Physicaldrive4” is the right drive since this is shown when doing the same task with the balenaEtcher tool. Furthermore, I double check it with the windows 10 diskmanager tool. Why doesn’t it work?