Hi All!
I’m trying to use resin on my fancy new Artik 710 and am having trouble getting and LED to blink!
I tried running the example artik-gpio-python but failed with an issue where the GPIO is apparently busy.
I tried following the samsung artik tutorial to control the GPIO running the simple-node-server i.e.:
root@0176368:/usr/src/app# echo 38 > /sys/class/gpio/export
bash: echo: write error: Device or resource busy
Any ideas? I would love to be able to control the GPIO, it’s a project requirment!
Thanks for any time and energy!
Hi! Our OS team is looking into it, hopefully we’ll have more information next week.
I looked into this and here is the output of the investigation.
As part of getting a board supported by resin, we also enable a LED blink feature. You can use the LED blink feature from the dashboard when your artik710 is up and running (there is a blink button next to your device online status label, when you are in your application page; or, there is a blink button you can use from the device page, right next to the Restart
button). This is defined for the artik710 here: https://github.com/resin-os/resin-artik710/blob/master/layers/meta-resin-artik710/recipes-containers/docker-disk/docker-resin-supervisor-disk.bbappend#L1
So we do this for all the devices we support, you can see that here: https://github.com/resin-os/meta-resin/blob/301f10623edfec6dd17cb974f88f1a638d0d261d/meta-resin-common/classes/kernel-resin.bbclass#L248 So this just makes the kernel compile the leds-gpio driver, which is the driver that is preventing you to run the example.
If you still need to control these leds, you can do so by:
echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/led1/brightness
echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/led2/brightness
(and echo 0
instead to turn them off)
So in conclusion, it is just these 2 LEDs that you won’t be able to control by means of sysfs gpio. The rest of the available GPIO’s should be fine to use.